You need to decide today how this year is going to go for you.

So here we all are … we made it … 2021 is here and we’re all still doing our thing, still feeling a little like we’re living in a perpetual Groundhog Day, and yes, still in sweatpants, even foregoing the button-down for Zoom meetings. But we’re here and that is something to be celebrated. As we’ve been working with Clients on their 2021 strategies and goals, serving as their Advisory Board of sorts, a theme that has come out is this idea of breaking through the monotony and doing something bold. Living and leading boldly with intention and some spice. Shaking things up a bit and stepping out of their comfort zones. To be honest, I think we’re all looking to shed our 2020 skin and step into our greatness this year. It was a year, but it’s in the past, and you get to decide what happens next. I want you to think about some of the areas in your life; work, play, friends, family, hobbies, and daydream about what you want those to look like, feel like, experience, and be. I want you to get wild and crazy with it, and set some BHAGs – Big Hairy Audacious Goals. Goals that feel slightly unattainable, uncomfortable, and maybe even a little silly to share. Play in this space. As adults, we don't do this enough. If we learned anything from 2020 it was that we’re far more capable than we may have known – we can juggle more, take on more, give up more, and come out stronger. YOU, my friend, are a warrior. Stronger now than you were a year ago. So, what are you going to do with that? How are you going to lead with impact this year? How are you going to bring the energy that your team so desperately needs? How are you going to continue to learn and be better? How are you going to ignite that fire within to try something new? How are you going to show up? These bold steps towards greatness don’t always need to be huge, look-at-me things, ether. Sometimes they’re subtle, “I’m going to stop saying yes to things outside of work that stretch me thin”, “I’m going to find a non-profit to support”, “I’m going to go back to school”, “I’m going to ask for the business I want”. Whatever it is, set your sights on it and go! Do! You’re strong, remember? Bold. Full of energy and life. Let this be the year that you look back on and say you were the driver and you drove yourself to exactly where you wanted to be. Happy. Whole. Vibrant. Smart. Content. Fulfilled. Alive. This is your year, you get to decide. Cheers to you and cheers to us for that matter! We couldn’t be more inspired by you, our Clients, who continue to celebrate with us and allow us to take areas of the business off your plate, so you can go and do your bold, big things! This year we rise together, stronger, and ready for what comes our way – 2021, look out!